hello.im back to update!:D
hope this is a good way to inform my dear friends that
hahaha. had my '1st night' ytd.
im only 60% excited and 100% happy.
this is bcos my new hse living is nt even done yet,
and im happy cos i've my own room!!:D:D:D
not so noisy anymore.
and my dear friends, no worries.
i'll invite u people to my hse for hse warming soon alrites................
cos i dont knw when my living room'd be done.
but if u dun mind, my room is alrdy ready.
inform me if u wanna come:D
no pics of my new hse yet but some pics when i've been MIA for the past few months.hahahaha.
p/s: no internet connection at my new hse yet:(
p/s: i realised that i can blog now in sch before lesson starts!:D cos usually when im at hm, im terribly lazy to blog.hahahaha
i worked at Prints for up to 4months! attended their annual dinner&dance.
i miss my big bro in aussie. lol lmao. i knw he miss me like shit too.HAHAHAHA
vday gift for 567:D had kuishibo that day.....................
desserts like yum yum........love. continuously had both of this at vivo.hahahaha deprived of ice cream and waffle that day.
marche. rosti love love.
Welcome to my room:D:D:D
hanged out with eileen and weiting on that sunday..............shopping shopping.............fun and laughters!:D
tadah.......done with this entry.
i promise i'll blog very frequent alrites..................
dont wanna lose my loyal readers.
takecare everyonessssssss.
ok, ah chai. you've always been someone who is dear to me ok..hahaha i think is probably because of zh.lol i know you always doll up nice nice then go on dates one, as in, even with friends.hees. its been really such a long time since i meet you alrdy! guess its since new yr:( oh yes, when i see your blog, though there's fun and happiness, but you seems to be struggling with studies:( hope you can overcome all these stupid and boring obstacles ok! and i know you're graduating soon, so hope we can meet up and pass you your birthday gift!!! dont know if you're celebrating your birthday today or not, hope you've enjoyed ur birthday celebration with your beloves!! you are always so pretty!! HAHAHAHAHA takecare!!:D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEITING!you've been always a so close yet so far friend! hahaha..cos we can hardly meet up! but guess since im in NP now, hopefully to see you more during trainings and in school! you're one of the person i know, other than eileen, who would laugh out heartily whenever funny things happen! you've always been someone who show true self of you to everyone! sometimes when i read your blog, i realised that you've problems encountered but you are always strong enough to fight back. its been really such a long time when we could really hang out since after our graduation! am realy glad and high(lol) to see that you have really enjoyed yourself at Stonegrill on your birthday celebration. and always, you would say "oh my gawd~!" HAHAHAHA. anyways i enjoyed myself alot too.lol. hehehe alrites, hope you'll smile always and not have much problems facing you again! loves alrites!!